Mariko Okuzaki

Professor Mariko Okuzaki started her teaching career at a Junior High School in 1985.
Six years later, she was hired as an English lecturer in National Institute of Technology,
Hakodate College. While working, Okuzaki earned a TESOL Master’s degree of SIT in
1996. She has been a professor of NIT, Hakodate College since 2004 by now.

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National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College






A Self-Learning Support System Based on an Eye-Tracking Analysis of a Dual Task in English: Pilot Study (2)
Mariko Okuzaki

This is the second pilot study to create a self-learning support system based on an eye-tracking analysis of a dual task in English as a foreign language. In the previous pilot study, four students were recruited as subjects with their permission to use their experimental data for this research. Two subjects had scored above 500 on TOEIC🄬test and the other two had acquired less than 300 on TOEIC🄬test. Each subject participated in the experiment by solving the same question from TOEIC Listening Part 3 on a computer screen and their eye-movements were recorded. Then, by visualizing an individual student’s eye movements while listening and reading English on TOEIC🄬test, it was observed that the students with lower TOEIC scores had irregular eye movements that seem to indicate confusion, such as eye wandering, or getting stuck while listening and reading the text. By reviewing the patterns of their eye movements, they recognized the incomprehensible words or phrases that inhibited their comprehension.
For this second pilot study, one student was recruited as a subject who had a low TOEIC🄬test score under the consensus of using the data for the research. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the eye movement data of the subject and to find out an appropriate self-learning style by helping him trace his eye movements, examining his confusion, and enhancing his meta-cognition through the comparison of his data with the ones of subjects above 500 on TOEIC🄬test score. The subject participated in the experiment twice: once by solving the questions of TOEIC Listening Part 3 and another time by eye-shadowing a text on a computer screen on a different day. His eye movements were recorded both times. Then, by visualizing the student’s eye movements, he noticed the patterns of his own irregular eye movements that seem to indicate confusion, such as wandering and going backwards while listening and reading the text. Through the observation of his eye movements, he recognized his attitude that inhibits English listening comprehension.

Education Research and Practice
Terrsa Hall B